9 Bean Rows | NIC WELTY | nicwelty@gmail.com

Growing Practices: pesticide and chemical free, Integrated Pest Management

Products: salad greens, kale, radishes, carrots, beets, rutabaga, bread

Back fOURTY | David Hochstetl

Growing Practices:


Bakker’s Acres | AL BAKKER | ajb2677@yahoo.com

Growing Practices: MAEAP, Integrated Pest Management, GAP Certified

Products: apples (Cortland, Fuji, Honeycrisp, Ida Red, Macoun, Mutsu, Northern Spy, Rome Beauty, Spartan, Sweet Tango)

BARDENHAGEN FARMS | JIM BARDENHAGEN | jbardenhagen@centurytel.net

Growing Practices: MAEAP, Integrated Pest Management, GAP Certified

Products: dark sweet cherries, Balaton cherries, apples (Gingergold, Honeycrisp, Gala, Crimson Crisp, Red Free, Liberty), seedless table grapes, apricots, plums, nectarines, red Currants, potatoes, cubed & shredded potatoes

cRANE POND FARM | Maya Koscielny

Growing Practices:


DANU HOF LLC | caitlin mcSweeney-Steffes | danuhof@gmail.com

Growing Practices: Farrow-to-finish, Pasture Raised

Products: Berkshire-Tamworth Cross Pastured Pork

DAYBREAK DREAMFARM | kELLY dOYLE & patrick scharinger

Growing Practices:


gREAT LAKES Garlic Farm | Kevin & tIFFANY gREGORY

Growing Practices:


hallsted Homestead | Sarah & Phil Hallstedt

HOMESTEAD HILL CSA | PAM BARDENHAGEN | pam@homesteadhillcsa.com

Growing Practices: MAEAP Verified, pesticide and chemical free

Products: garlic, onions, salad mix, kale, rainbow mix cherry tomatoes, sungold cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, leeks, parsley, jalapeños, stir-fry greens, flowers


Growing Practices: Certified Organic, Integrated Pest Management, greenhouse and hoophouse

Products: heirloom tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, potatoes, ginger, herbs, microgreens, shoots, salad greens, carrots, beets, radishes, winter squash, cucumbers

Ken’s fARM | kEN lINDSEY

Growing Practices:


Providence Farm | Ryan & andrea romeyn | providencecsa@gmail.com

Growing Practices: Certified Organic

Products: organic vegetables, herbs, and strawberries

PRISTINE ACRES | Jacob Mishler | 231-825-0003

Growing Practices: pasture-raised chickens, antibiotic-free, hormone-free

Products: eggs, whole chickens, chicken cuts, turkeys

TLC FARMs, INC | Joe Vanderbosch & Anne Cunningham| joe@tlcfarmtotable.com

Growing Practices: Controlled Environment Agriculture. Growing in greenhouses, using hydroponics

Products: Beefsteak tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, multiple varieties of bibb and leaf lettuces, spicy lettuce mix, standard lettuce mix, multiple varieties of peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, arugula, baby bok choi

Shared blessings Farm | paul mast

Products: grass fed beef, onions

Triple m Farm | David and kathryn Beachy

Products: maple syrup

Tanti Radici | Heather Leach and Tom Mariani

Products: Garlic, Potatoes, Green Beans, Squash, Pea Flower